For the record, DID the Armenian genocide happen?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
For the record, DID the Armenian genocide happen?
51 answers:
2007-11-12 19:32:34 UTC
It happened and I will give you the...


There are so many, if you have time read it, if not then just believe it, it happened.

the books:

The Armenian genocide-museum

And finaly you might want to see this one

Also check out the websites my friends (Armenians) provided you, those will help you to learn the truth about what is going on in this subject, very useful.

Or read truth’s answer, very informative.

Have it in mind that turks destroyed all the evidence of Genocide and orders in their possession, and produced new

ataturk was very picky about that, and made sure of that and the brainwashing system, which of course did not work very well, since there are Turks like Ms. Sibel Edmonds

Or Professor Taner Akçam

And much more..............
2007-11-12 05:56:16 UTC
Yes it happened.

and after you chose the best answer to your Q, we will find out why do you ask about this historical tragedy (planned massacre of Armenian and deportation of a nation from their own lands by turkish gov.) look at all the links Armenians providing you, just read one of them and you will find out the truth.

I see two Mr. Beemer, the one who is denying is a fake turk that cloned Mr bBeemer and so many others, just to let you know how fake these turks can be (its in their
2007-11-11 17:13:51 UTC
James O
2007-11-10 05:33:23 UTC
As definitely as the Nazi Jewish genocide

The extermination of the Armenians was planned and there is much documentary evidence

Many Armenians wanted an Armenian state in the Lake Van Area and that was contrary to Atalurk's vision of a solid Turkish nation -state. The Russians , who were in war with the Turks,supported Armenian asperations. The Armenians were to be transported or convert to Tukish forms of Islam and complete Turkish identity or to be killed and killing them was easier. There were earlier organized massacres of Armenians in the 1890s and before

Other ethnic minorities with national identiies were crushed ,massacred or deported like the Greeks, Assyrians and Kurds ( the latter were mostly Muslim)
2007-11-11 23:54:08 UTC
Yes the Armenian Genocide did happen. I can refer you to TURKISH scholars and authors who admit to it.

For example: Nobel Laureate, Orhan Pamuk, spoke up about it and was thrown in wasn't until international pressure that he was released..

Please see these clips, Taner Akcam is aTurkish historian/author:

(Screamers Documentary Trailer).

Read: A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility by Taner Akcam.

Also read: THE BURNING TIGRIS: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response by Peter Balakian

The word Genocide was coined by Raphael Lemkin in 1943, using the archetype of the Armenians, and the Jews.

Lastly, I would like to mention that the International Association of Genocide Scholars has deemed what happened to the Armenians as "Genocide".

Edit: I would also like to agree with my friends on here, that posting this in the Turkey section, is not the best way to go.

Edit 2: First of all Ermenci is not Armenian.

And "Canibal" asked, where are the Armenian graves??? Are you kidding me?? Its genocide, do you expect tombstones and flowers????

See this video, theres one story of a grave for you!
2007-11-09 15:16:22 UTC
yes it happened. my great grandparents were victims. i would know.
Tay May Shu
2007-11-13 11:35:15 UTC
Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks were killed because of their religion (Christian). 1.5 million Armenians, 300,000 Greeks, and 150,000 Assyrians.
2007-11-13 05:18:00 UTC
Is there any decent Turk here on Y!A that even can reconsider the facts in normal way, without spreading the hate and insulting innocent victims?

Luckily, there are turkish people such as Orhan Pamuk.

What about people on this forum? They are in line with their official government which is very easy when it comes to abandoning free speech. Even for Nobel prize winners. I don't see anything glorious in that.

Especially the ones who claim that Armenians were back-stabbers. For who? For the ones that conquered them ,as long as other nations who were uprising against Ottoman Turks. You people may point your magical mirror to other side, just see how different is picture of you in your eyes and in eyes of others.

Shame on you!

For the record: it DID happen!
2007-11-12 08:40:46 UTC
Yes of course it happened, it is a historical fact.

And those many people you are talking about , the ones who are denying the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE, are turks and who ever gets bribe money from turks all over the world.

If you are not a turk or a friend of them, just read one of this great sites Armenian friends are providing you (to get information, as Vahe said the sites are not here to proof the Genocide(although it does) but to inform people like you who don't know what is happening, Armenian government has all the proof.

BTW there are clones answering you, like :

1-clone not fair.

2-clone mr beemer.

See how fake turks are?

dejavu(or asuman or T or selin or slik or the big happy family in england or whoever you are) go fix your multiple personally disorder,don't make clones, that's enough, you are the hungry here for attention.

Don't insult people or you will get your own poop back to your face.

You are racist , even your friends know that, get a life.
2007-11-11 22:49:42 UTC
here for record

"to all turks here are words of your leader (Ataturk)

These left-overs from the former Young Turk Party, who should have been made to account for the millions of our Christian subjects who were ruthlessly driven en masse, from their homes and massacred, have been restive under the Republican rule"

Prince Abdul Mecid

"I refer to those awful massacres. They are the greatest stain that has ever disgraced our nation and race. They were entirely the work of Talat and Enver. I heard some days before they began that they were intended. I went to Istanbul and insisted on seeing Enver. I asked him if it was true that they intended to recommence the massacres which had been our shame and disgrace under Abdul Hamid. The only reply I could get from him was: 'It is decided. It is the program.' "

Enver Pasha

"One of the triumvirate rulers publicly declared on 19 May 1916...

The Ottoman Empire should be cleaned up of the Armenians and the Lebanese. We have destroyed the former by the sword, we shall destroy the latter through starvation.

In reply to US Ambassador Morgenthau who was deploring the massacres against Armenians and attributing them to irresponsible subalterns and underlings in the distant provinces, Enver's reply was...

You are greatly mistaken. We have this country absolutely under our control. I have no desire to shift the blame onto our underlings and I am entirely willing to accept the responsibility myself for everything that has taken place. "

now shut up
From Hell Loves Moron valery
2007-11-16 08:20:05 UTC
Below suggestion is so bad...
2007-11-12 14:03:32 UTC

my fellow Armenian friends already gave you websites of articles and videos to check it out yourself..... and for the others who gave you websites that deny that, those are DEFENATLY NOT TRUE!

how come you recognize the holocoust against the jews, but not the Armenian genocide?

The country I live in, they recognize the genocide and they opened their doors for our armenian grandparents in 1915-1923 , they themselves could tell you stories!!! the whole entire middle east (arab countries).

how do you explain Armenians being all around the world more than Armenians living in Armenia??

we dont deny that both sides died as a result of WW1, however there was a genocide, many countries recognized it! and its continueing by denying it!!!!!
Atila a
2007-11-16 14:25:26 UTC
they lost a war
2007-11-10 08:46:01 UTC
There are many things that happen within government that the average citizen doesn't know until it's too late to do anything about it. I don't know if it happened against Americans, but I would think that if it did, our military would rise up against the perps, and alert our own citizens, wouldn't they? Either way, I don't know....

הַלְלוּ אֶת-יְהוָה
2007-11-09 15:26:48 UTC
In America the government is (or recently was) debating whether or not they should condemn it. My understanding was that both sides of the debate in America agreed that something bad had happened, and the only question was whether that bad thing should be called genocide or if they should use a less dramatic word to describe it. And my understanding was that the people who supported a less dramatic word were only taking that position because they didn't want to anger Turkey. Not because they actually thought it wasn't a genocide.
2007-11-15 13:44:50 UTC
It never did. It is a science fiction noval written in France.

Don't dwell on it too much you will waste your time.
2007-11-09 18:07:37 UTC
Yes, the Genocide did occur. Of course the Turks are going to deny it. What does one do when they are guilty? Hide in shame and deny any sort of accusations that are being made and in turn accuse the other party of their wrong doings. Shame on you Turks. What makes me laugh is how you can pull up ridiculous articles against Armenians and say they were the ones who attacked YOU. This was not an act of a war casuality. This was an act to wipe out the Armenian race. The Turks, tried and tried very hard, but we are here,standing strong and we will continue to stand. The Genocide WILL indeed be recognized, if not today then tomorrow.

K in Him
2007-11-09 12:15:25 UTC
Yes it did happened, my grandparents vouched for it. And not as casualties of war....rather a process of annihilating a people.

Armenians were successful and they were jealous. Just like the Germans didn't like seeing Jews get ahead.

They did mass "trials of tears' and worse to plenty of groups and starved them and all kinds of atrocities.

This can not be a hoax, when so many older Armenians were a part of it or children of slaughter parents.

There was no WW1 there, so there is no way they could have been casualties of war.
2007-11-12 00:03:12 UTC
Where are these 1.500.000 peoples graves ?

Do we know one of them . But I know my grand-mums dad was killed by Armenians at 1915.
2007-11-11 11:21:51 UTC
never means never!

Turks have always been proud to be Turks and that will stay so. Turks have reigned over vast lands throughout the history. People from the minorities under the Turkish rule even made it to important state positions such as Vesir (prime minister).

After 1789 the wave of nationalizm hit the whole Europe. The super powers of that era started to dismantle a big empire like the Ottomans, that no part of the history had written before. During the WW1 Turks fought on many fronts against their enemies. Armenians ganged up with Russians and back-stabbed the Turks, since the Russians had promised them independence.

The Empire was fighting at the same time to save its capital, Istanbul. The whole land was in a mess. The super powers of the era were like hyennas desperate to rip as much as they could from this beaten up lion on the ground. Right than the Armenian gangs in the east got carried away, quite sure of a Russian victory against Turks, they murdered and raped a lot of civilians and drove them out of their villages to cleanse the area of anybody who would sympathize with the Sultan in Istanbul. The news from the East were gruesome and they evoke outrage in the other parts of the Empire. The Sultan assigned his prime minister to tackle the situation urgently and efficiently and the guy couldn't come up with anything else but to drove the Armenians out of the Eastern front down South to Iraq and Syria. He got a couple of the rebel leaders hanged too. You can always argue about the efficiency of that decision but he had to do something.

Armenians had to leave their villages and soil that they had lived under the Turkish rule for centuries and maybe thousands of years. They were upset, scared, poor, homeless, hungry, thirsty, sick and desperate. Everywhere they landed, there was still state of war going on. The area they had to leave and their route down to the south was bare and cold. They had to fight for food and shelter again. This time with their rivals Kurds in the area and they have suffered a massacre by them around Van. Nobody wanted to have them and a lot of them died of cold, hunger, massacre and diseases. A lot of them still live in the Middle East today and just as many were shipped over to the States and France.

The new generation in California doesn't even know how and where their ancestors in Turkey lived. I can imagine that the Armenians who survived those years could tell them stories of being outraged and scared to death that they couldn' survive it. (I saw pictures of the aftermath of the marmara earthquake in 1999 and I can also imagine some of those people thinking that was the end time). I don't think anybody can slightly imagine what they went through since these experiences will always remain to be private and personal.

During the WW1 the Ottoman Empire had no intention of a genocide to any of its folks none whatsoever. They also didn't have any reasons for that. Nor did they have time and power to do it. They literally kicked Armenians out of the Eastern provinces but it was not genocide.

The Empire was down on its knees and about two years after the deportation it lost the WW1 and ceased to exist. How many Empires do you know that would come a long way over 600 years and collapse within 4 years. That end didn't come too sudden. It took 300 years of continious down the hill.

The WW1 was just the last drop that broke the camels back.

Who can claim now that the Ottomans wanted to cleanse the East so they would settle there themselves? (Mountains with up to -45°, all bare and almost no vegetation)

Who can claim that they needed poor Armenian lives to show their manliness?

Who can claim that they would be concentrating on a genocide in a 1600 km distant place while fighting for survival in the West? (Istanbul was being defended at Dardanels)

Who can claim that they would take on one of their many minorities that they had lived in peace for centuries together for the worst crime on earth?.

Can somebody tell me what political or economical goals one would achieve by that?.

Did they have money that the Ottomans didn't know about for centuries?. Did they have Gold or Petrol that they didn't know about? Did they have an army that the Turks had to fear? Did they have a religion that would convert the Muslims of the Empire? The answers to all these questions are No.

None of these explainations can bring the lives of Turks and Armenians back. None of us who read these lines have any idea of what it would be like to be in a situation like that.

Armenian politicians will not get anywhere by accusing Turks of something they have no proof and evidence of. They refuse to come together with the historians and open up the archives to shed light onto what happened then. I personally would love to see those days. Those who have been trying to rewrite the history in the parliaments of countries that don't have anything to do with the Turkish history should be ashamed.

There are still hundreds of thousands of Armenians in Turkey today, who go to their churches and speak their language.

The efforts of the Armenian lobby is not making life easier for their fellow nationals in Turkey.
2007-11-10 04:28:53 UTC
Dr. Beemer
2007-11-09 23:18:19 UTC
What makes you think that asking this question in Turkey section is going to get the right answer?

Here are some links...

Taner Akcam:

Hrant Dink:

22 Governments have acknowledged it in the world. 40 states of USA also.

Some things never change:
Drake & Josh
2007-11-09 19:38:19 UTC
Well it did not happen.I don't know why but Armenians know how to lie
2007-11-09 15:10:37 UTC
armenians backstabed us. it wasnt a genocide it was war
2007-11-09 13:41:01 UTC
For the record, No, Armenian genocide did not happen. That was just a battle between two nations in 1915.

2007-11-09 12:18:18 UTC
There is lots of information about it on the internet, Wikipedia has got a brief review on this issue.

Turks will say no, and we will insist on yes.

I personally say think that it has happened according to many neutral sources, avoiding my feelings affect my idea or any hate against today's Turkish people.

I don't think we and Turks ever will reach an agreement on this issue!

Try to find it out yourself and be away from the "propaganda"s.

Recognize the cruelties of past, prevent them of happening again...
2007-11-09 12:09:43 UTC
no it never happened

unfortunately hungrier the Armenia gets the louder they get with their lie...

it was war and they chosen the Russian side...simple...

now they made this up to claim money and land from us, easy life...

we dont think so tho...
The Babe is Armed!
2007-11-09 10:38:21 UTC
Wow, if we really had that answer "for the record" that would eliminate most of the traffic in this section.

It's funny that people want to use the word "revisionist" about someone else when it doesn't make them look good but "researcher" about themselves when it does make them look good.

You are even more naive than I am if you believe that a newspaper article really stands as evidence or that personal testimony is real evidence. All of that is completely subjective - subject to the bias of whoever is writing the article or filing the testimony. Further writing based on those kinds of sources is even more questionable in its failure to pursue the matter with complete and rounded research, rather relying on the one side of the story which is most available and which sells the book. It doesn't mean it's true or not true. It only means that it's not actual evidence. It's still only hearsay.

Whether those Armenians died is not the question. The manner in which they died is not the question. Most of that can be substantiated factually from a variety of sources and interpretations. The issue that makes it genocide is whether or not it was prescribed through legislation by the Ottomans at the time as a campaign against all Armenians as a people (not as a nation, as that would be war).

It shouldn't be a matter of present-day Armenians doing battle against present-day Turks. I think that approach does a serious injustice to the victims and even the survivors of those tragic events. The battle, and I believe there is a battle to be fought here, should be a battle of Armenians and Turks standing together against the kind of shortsighted ignorance that causes fools to swallow the convenient record and continue to state that what has been written is complete and irrefutable, without even trying to see it with a critical eye and an objective frame of mind.
2007-11-09 10:37:35 UTC
-Armenian genocide

-Santa Clause


-Camels in the North Pole

-You are from Mars

-Smoking is good for your health

etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

Hope you know what I mean :)
2007-11-09 10:20:13 UTC
1. Armenian gangs on russian payroll committed horrific atrocities against muslim (mostly kurdish) civilians, also leading guerilla attacks against ottoman soldiers, unleashing a campaign of sabotage and assassinations during the most intense moments of a WORLD WAR.

2. A decision to relocate armenians from front lines has been taken. There wasn't a decision to eradicate the armenian race, as was the case with jews and the holocaust.

3. Somehow the ottoman young turk government failed to transport the armenian civilian subjects to the designated areas safely. They were prone to attacks by muslim (mostly kurdish) civilians. You can talk about a civil war there and the neglect for the safety of the innocent civilians.

4. As a result, nearly 1 million armenians vanished from the regions they used to live, with their lands taken over mainly by kurds.

5. Name it whatever you want. It certainly wasn't something like the holocaust.
2007-11-09 09:55:11 UTC
I heard a Latin saying "history is written by the victors" but in this case it must not be true unless Armenians won but they did not and they know that much is true. There is much misunderstanding in everything you read on this topic. It is clear that one anymore will know what happened nor why it happened. Misunderstanding is what should have been seen and forgotten many years ago.
2007-11-14 18:32:00 UTC
No, it never happened

As a bridge between Asia and Europe, with its straits connecting The Black Sea with the Mediterranean and its geopolitical situation at a point where the Central Asian, Caucasian and Middle Eastern natural energy sources intersect, Turkey draws the attention of the entire world.

The Ottoman Empire in the past and Turkey at present has always been an arena for which intrigues were incessantly designed. The colonialist superpowers wishing to eradicate the Ottoman Empire from the world by dividing it did not fail to use in their schemes also the Armenians who coexisted in peace with the Turks for so many centuries.

There are today just like in the past, several countries striving to secure themselves political and economic benefits at the expense of Armenian community. Monuments accusing Turks and Turkey of having committed genocide are being erected in some countries; decisions intending to recognise the so called genocide are brought into the parliamentary agenda in several countries and even voted for in some others. Issues that need to be left to historians are turned into means of self interest by the politicians.

The Armenians who were ousted from one place to the other, pushed into wars, and treated as third rate citizens throughout the history by the Romans, Persians and Byzantines. After the advent of Turks into Anatolia, they benefited from the just, humane, tolerant and unifying traditions and beliefs of their new neighbours. The period that lasted until the end of the nineteenth century when the apogee of these developments and relations was attained, was the golden age of Armenians. In fact, the Armenians were by far the greatest beneficiaries of the opportunities offered by the Ottoman Empire to all industrious, capable, honest and straightforward citizens of the non-Moslem communities. Being exempted from the military service and to a large extent from taxation, they had the opportunity to excel themselves in trade, agriculture, craftsmanship and administration and therefore were rightly called the “loyal nation” because of their loyalty and ability to interact with the Ottomans. There were so many Armenians who spoke Turkish, who even conducted their rites in this language , who rose to topmost public service posts such as the Ministries and Under-Secretariats of State for the Public Works, Navy, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Treasury, Posts and Telegraph and Minting. There were some who even wrote books in Turkish and foreign languages on the Problems of the Ottoman Empire .

With the start of the decline of the Ottoman Empire, the European powers began to intervene in its affairs and degeneration became evident in the peaceful Turkish-Armenian relations. Great effort was displayed by the instigators whom the Western powers planted into the Ottoman Empire under clerical guise, to create a schism between Turks and Armenians in the religious, cultural, commercial, political and social fields. Thus, bloody clashes arose, in which the blunt of pain was borne by the Turks, and thousands of Armenians and Turks lost their lives in the revolts that broke out in Eastern Anatolia and spread all the way to Istanbul.

Though there were many Armenians fighting in the Ottoman armies against the enemy or serving in the rear ranks during the World War I, a considerable number had sided with the foes on the battlefronts and launched massacres against the population without distinction of women, children and the aged. Their toll was hundreds of thousands of Moslems and ruin in Eastern Anatolia.

The measures adopted by the Ottoman Empire to stop this violence were presented to the rest of the world under a completely different light and the Armenians, misguided by the promises and instigation of the Western Powers started to undermine the country where they had led a privileged life more than a thousand years.

The Hinchak, Tashnak, Toward Armenia, Young Armenians, Union and Salvation, Ramgavar, Paramilitaries, Black Cross societies and Hinchak Revolutionary Committee, which were established out of Anatolia, formed organisations urging the people for an armed revolt. These activities were the bloody uprisings that cost thousands of Turkish and Armenian lives.

During World War I, the Ottoman Empire was fighting against Russian armies in Eastern Anatolia, where the Armenian revolt was at its peak; and also against Armenian forces which supported the Russians. On the other hand, behind the lines it had to continue to fight against Armenian guerrillas that were burning Turkish villages and towns and attacking military convoys and reinforcements. In spite of this violence, the Ottoman Empire tried to solve the Armenian problem for months by taking local measures. Meanwhile, an operation was made against the Armenian guerillas and 2345 rebels were arrested for high treason. When it became evident that the Armenian community was also in rebellion against the state, the Ottoman Empire proceeded with the last resort of replacing only those Armenians in the region who actively participated in the rebellion. With this measure, the Ottoman Empire also intended to save the lives of the Armenians who were living in a medium of civil war because Turks started to counter-attack the Armenians who had performed bloody atrocities against Turkish communities.

Today, Armenia and some states using Armenians for their economic and political benefits have launched a massive propaganda campaign to present the replacement decision and the 24 April arrests as genocide to the world public opinion.

At the end of the World War I, when the armies of Allied States occupied The Ottoman Empire and the British officials among them arrested 143 Ottoman political and military leaders and intellectuals for “having committed war crimes toward Armenians” and exiled them to Malta where a trial was launched. However, the massive scrutiny made on the Ottoman, British, American archives in order to find evidence to incriminate these 143 persons failed to produce even the least iota of proof against them. In the end, the detainees in Malta were released without trial and even any indictment in 1922.

The United States archives contain an interesting document sent to Lord Curzon on 13 July 1921 by Mr. R.C. Craigie, the British Ambassador in Washington. The message was as follows: “I regret to state that there is nothing that may be used as evidence against the Turkish detainees in Malta. There are no events that may constitute adequate proofs. The said reports do not appear to contain even circumstantial evidence that could be useful to reinforce the information held by His Majesty’s Government against the Turks.”

On 29 July 1921, the legal advisers in London decided that the intended indictments drawn up against the persons on the British Foreign Ministry’s list were semi-political in nature and therefore these individuals should be treated separately from the Turks detained as criminals of war.

They also stated the following: “No statements were hitherto received from the witnesses to the effect that the indictments intended against the detainees are correct. Likewise it does not need to be restated that finding witnesses after so long a time is highly doubtful in a remote country like Armenia which is accessible only with great difficulties.” This statement was made also by none other than the legal advisers in London of His Majesty’s Government.

Yet, the efforts to smear the image of Turks with genocide claims did not come to an end as the British press published certain documents attempting to prove the existence of a massacre claimed to have been perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire while efforts were being made to start a lawsuit in Malta. It was stated that the documents were found by the British occupation forces in Syria, led by General Allenby. The inquiries subsequently made by the British Foreign Office revealed, however, that these documents were fakes prepared by the Armenian Nationalist Delegation in Paris and distributed to the Allied representatives.

The Armenian Diaspora, who left no stone unturned to keep the genocide claims on the agenda despite all these facts, resorted to terrorism in the end. The so-called Armenian issue, which started to attract the attention of the world and Turkish public opinion through the smearing campaign launched by the Armenians against Turkey after 1965, in the ‘70s turned into terrorist attacks directed against the Turkish representations abroad. In Santa Barbara on January 27, 1973, the first individual terrorist attack was launched by an aged Armenian named Gurgen (Karekin) Yanikian. He murdered Mehmet Baydur and Bahadir Demir, the Turkish Consul General and Vice Consul in Los Angeles, and these murders turned into an organised campaign after 1975. The attacks against Turkish embassies, officials and institutions abroad gradually intensified.

A major increase in the attacks was noted after 1979 when an internal unease started in Turkey. The Armenian terrorists staged a total of 110 attacks at 38 cities of 21 countries. 39 of these acts were committed by small arms, 70 of them were realised by bombs and one was an outright occupation. 42 Turkish diplomats and 4 foreigners were killed and 15 Turks and 66 foreigners were wounded in these incidents.

As these actions received a strong reaction from the world public opinion, the Armenian terrorist organisations changed their tactics in 1980 and began to co-operate with the PKK terrorist group which was pushed into the scene by the Eruh and ªemdinli attacks as the ASALA and Armenian operations were stopped. The documents and evidence from Beqaa and Zeli camps show that the PKK and ASALA militants were trained there together.

The success achieved by the Turkish security forces made the Armenian terrorism pursue the so called genocide claims through the Armenian Diaspora and attempt to make the world believe in the existence of such an event by inducing several parliaments to adopt resolutions and laws which recognise it.

The goal of these terrorists is to plant into minds of people the existence of a genocide, to force Turkey to recognise it, to receive indemnity from Turkey and, finally, to snatch from Turkey the land needed for realising the dream of Great Armenia
2007-11-12 07:22:22 UTC
It is a lie a great big lie.
2007-11-11 06:51:07 UTC
Did I miss something?
2007-11-10 16:09:47 UTC
2007-11-10 10:53:55 UTC
It never happened. Don't be confused.

Calm down. Turks were massacred.
2007-11-10 06:24:58 UTC
There is not anything as such. I am Armenian and

am telling you the truth.
2007-11-10 01:19:16 UTC
Of course it did not happen. My Turkish relatives were the victims of Armenians. So I know what Armenian thugs did, now they shamelessly claim a genocide for political power and money.

If you want to be among the "sheep" then go ahead and believe it, but if you really are a clever person who seeks the "truth" read real historians like Justin McCarthy and Norman Stone not the ones funded by Armenians
The Moderator
2007-11-10 00:33:12 UTC
for the record I say, it DID NOT happen.

as for the casualities... Well, it was WW I and there were casualities everywhere.

Taking some events -that happened 100 years ago- on a false and misleading basis and then blaming it on an entire nation?

THIS IS WRONG. and this is exactly the lie the armenians are furiously trying to spread! God will burn them in Hell for these lies and sins
2007-11-09 19:34:24 UTC
For the record it did not happend.I don't know what Armenians are trying to do but there were no genocides and many Turks died also ,it was a war.And what about Turkish diplomats that have been killed by Armenians does no one know that?
Aomi Armster
2007-11-09 15:51:03 UTC
Yeah, it happened.

Armenians were no strangers to massacres between 1895 and 1920 .
2007-11-09 13:13:16 UTC
There's plenty of strong argument from both sides. But take a look at how armenians are being assaulted in this little Yahoo! section and you could guess if it DID happen.
Qu'est ce que tu penses?
2007-11-09 13:12:56 UTC
My Answer: NO
2007-11-09 11:56:48 UTC
Hey "truth" that's a big quantity, where's the quality?
2007-11-09 11:40:00 UTC
For the record the Truth covered

it quite well. If after your

still not sure:
2007-11-09 10:29:01 UTC
Hi !!!,

here are some proofs about pseudo-armenian genocide.

i hope , help you to understand this very complex historical dreams.



*firstly ,this is free e-book:

"I witnessed and lived through 1917-1918"

author:Lt.col TVerdohlebof

-Russian commander of the 2.armenian-russian fortress artillery regionent.

**this book is very important.

1) Dashnagtzoution Has Nothing to Do Anymore

Author : Hovhannes Katchaznouni

ISBN No : 975-343-453-7


2) Le Parti Dachnak N'a Plus Rien A Faire

Author : Hovhannes Katchaznouni

ISBN No : 975-343-458-8


3) Für Die Dascnakzutyun Gibt Es Nichts Mehr Zu Tun

Author : Hovhannes Katchaznouni

ISBN No : 975-343-454-5

some informations:


Who is Katchaznouni?


Hovannes Katchaznouni is the first prime-minister of

the Armenian state founded in July 1918.He was is power

as the head of gouvernment until August 1919,for thirteen

months.He was among the founders of the Dashnagzoutiun

Party and one of its top leaders.He was the prime authority

Of Armenia and the Dashnagzoutiun Party.

Publication of the Report.


Hovannes Katchaznouni voices a self-critism of the past

İn this conference report.

Hovannes Katchaznouni publishes his report very urgently,

1923,that same year.The title he uses once more emphasizes his pproposal of suicide:”Dashnagzoutiun has nothing to do Anymore”.

The book published in Armenian was translated into Russian

Four years later and an edition of only 2000 copies was

Published in Tbilisi in 1927 as a warning or lesson.

Certains parts of the book was published in England in 1955

with the title “The Armenian Revolutionary Federation

(Dashnagsoution)has nothing to do any more” by the

“Armenian information service “ in New York.

What is interresting but what seems natural when the content

Of the book is taken into consideration,is the fact that this

Historical report by the first Armenian prime minister was

Banned in Armenian.It is also a fact that all the COPİES

WERE COLLECTED from the libraries in Europe by the

DASHNAGS.All the copies in all languages were collected

From European libraries .The book is included in the

Catalogues but no copies can be found in the racks.

Katchaznouni’s Observations:


The first Prime Minister of the Dashnagzoution Government makes the following observations:

-It was a mistake to establish the volounter units.

-They were unconditionally allied with Russia.

-They had not taken into consideration the balance of power which was in Türkiye’s favour.

-The decision of the deportation of Armenians was a rightful measure taken by Türks to serve their purpose.

-Türkiye had acted with an instinct of self-defence.

-The British occupation once more aroused the hopes of the Dashnags.

-What they established in Armenia was a Dashnag dictatorship.

-They had acted in pursuit of the imperialist demand,”fredom sea to sea” and had been provoked with this.

-They massacred the Muslim population.

-The Armenian terrorist activities were directed at winning over the Western public opinion.

-The fault was not to be found outside the Dashnagzoutiun Party.

-The Dashnagzoutiun Party had nothing else to do but commit suicide.



The imperlialist centres accuse the Ottoman state and


government with subjecting the Armenians

to massacre and genocides during 1915-1923.

However ,the eight years which comprise the period

of the Turkish War of Independence ,are at the same

time years of fight for the Dashnag forces ,under

the leadership of the Tsarist regime of Russia,

the British and the French armies.This historical

fact has been in thousansds of Armenian documents.

I would like to give an example.

The declaration sent by the Armenian National Bureau

To Tsar Nicholas II at the very beginning of World War I,

Shows how deeply attached the Dashnag leaders feel towards İmperialism:

*“As the glorious Russian Armies are fighting against

TÜRKİYE who,with German support , has dared to raise

its hand against mighty Russia ,on the lands in its own

hegemony ,in the snowy Armenian mountains

and the vast ELEŞKİRT (alashkert) valley ,

the Armenian ,taking the advice of their forefathers(...)

have risen to sacrifice theirs lives and their assets to

Great Russia and the glory of its throne.”

**“The good news of war with TÜRKİYE has aroused

enthusiasm among all the Armenian people.The Armenians

from all the countries are in haste to take their place in

the glorious Russian armies and to serve the achievement

of the Russian arms with their blood.We are praying God to be victorious over the enemy.We owe it to our nation to become the new Russian weapon and to fulfil Russia’s historical duty in the East.Our hearts burning with this desire.”

***”The Russian flag will freely flutter in the Boğaziçi(Bosphorous) and the Çanakkale (Dardanelles).”

****You will,my magnificient lord,bestow freedom to the peoples under TÜRK yoke.”

(Mşak ,No 271 ,1914:CİTED BY Marents , op.cit.,p.89.)

ZAVEN ,THE ARMENİAN BİSHOP in İstanbul had already

Declared ,before the war started , to the reporter of Mşak ,


,that the radical solution of the Armenian question would be

the unification of all Armenian (including the Eastern Anatolia

of TÜRKİYE) under Russian sovereignty with which Armenians fate was historically linked.The Bishop stated that”THE SOONER THE RUSSİANS ARRİVE HERE,THE BETTER FOR US”.

(Aremnian SSR state Central History Archives fond vıpisok,

folder 37,sheet 45-46,cited in KN.KARAMYAN ,

PolojenieZapadnıh Armyan,”ArmyanskiVopros “ i

Mejdunarodyanaya Diplomatiya V Posledney Çetverti XIX

Veka İ Naçale XX Veka ,Yerevanski Gosudarstvennıy Universitet, Yerevan 1972 P.87 vd.”)

*****Zavriev ,the HEAD OF THE INTERNATİONAL RELATIONS DEPARTMENT OF THE DASHNAGZOUTSİUN PARTY, in the Letter he sent to the ambassadors of the Tsarist Russia in LONDON and PARİS in 1915 ,exposes the role played by ARMENİANS in WWI:

“Since the first days of the present war ,the Russian ARMENİANS have been in the expectation of joining the war in Russia and TÜRKİYE.

This situation gives rise to the hope that the Armenaian question will be taken up at the end of the war ,and it will

definitely be solved.For this reason ,ARMENİANS cannot hold back from participating in the prospective events and thus must take their place in the war,most passionately.

(Mejdunarodnie Otnoşenia V Epohu İmperializma(Dokumenti İz Arhiva Tsarskogo İ Vremennogo Pravitelstva),seriya III,t.VII,ç.II, Gosudarstvennoe Sotsialno-Ekonomiçeskoe İzdatelsvo,Moskva-Leningrad, 1935-,p:45.)

******Another Dashnag document which supports the content of this letter in the Tsarist Russian archives is in the personal archives of BORYAN, a politician and historian.The document which comprises the speech made by the military representative of the Dashnagzoutine Party in the All

Armenian National Congress convened in Tbilisi in Feb.1915 is significant:

“As is known ,the Russian government donated 242.900 rubles at the beginning of the war to make preperations to arm the TÜRK ARMENİANS and to incite revolts in the country during the war.Our volunteer units need to break the defence line of the TÜRK forces and to unite with the REBELS (TERRORİSTS! Çetin)

and to create ANARCHY on the front and behind the lines and by these means help the Russian armies pass through and capture TÜRK ARMENİANS.

(B.A.BORYAN –Armeniya,Mejdunarodnaya Diplomatiya i SSRC ,v.I Gosudarstvennoe izdatelstvo,Moskva-Leningrad,1929 ,P:360)

*******Dashnag publications are full of documents admitting that they created ANARCHY on the front and behind the lines and fought as the striking force of the Russian armies .ORIZON ,the organ of Dashnagzoutine reads as follows in its 196th issue of 1912:

“The TÜRK state authorities and those in power should known that from now on, neither a TÜRK nor the TÜRK state has any value for an Armenians whatsoever.

Let them think of other means to protect their existence.”

(ORIZON,NO 196 ,1912 cited in K.N.Karamyan , op.cit.,p.81)

*******Again in the 243rd issue of Oct.31,1914 of ORIZON ,it is claimed that the victory of the Tsarist Russia will also be the victory of Armenians while Armenians are called to actively participate in the war.

(ORIZON ,no .243 Oct.31 1914 , cited in A.M.Elchibekian ,

Armenya Nakanune Velikogo Oktyabrya ,İzdatelstvo AN Armyanskoy SSR, YEREVAN ,1963 ,p:18.)

********Another organ of the Dashnags,ARYENİK ,on september 24,1914 states the following,concerning Nikolai Nikolaievich,the Caucasian Governor of Tsarist Russia,who has just arrived in Tbilisi:

“Yesterday,His Excellency the Royal Prince Nikolai Nikolaievich ,the deputy of the Tsar in Caucasia arrived in Tbilisi.We trust that the Royal Prince will put an end to the existence of the TÜRK state forever.With this conviction,

we salute the dear 6th Commander-in-Chief of the Russian army in Caucasia and welcome him”

(ARYENİK,no:2 ,sept24,1915 cited in lalaian,*Kontrrevolyutsionnıy Dashnat

sutyun İ İmperialistiçeskaya Voyna 1914-1918 gg* ,Revolyutsionnıy Vostok, No:2-3 ,1936,p.91)

“In the diinner party following the march of the volunteer unit,commanded by Vardan, on April 15.1915 ,in Etcmiadzin ,the first toast was proposed to glorious Russia

and its heroic army.The all Armenians Catholics ,after having sung ceremonical prayes , declared the gratitude of the Armenian people to the Russian armies and their readiness

to emancipate together with Russia the Armenian lands from the hegemony of foreigners.”

(ARARAT,NO:5 , 1915,P:288vd cited in A.O.Arutiunian ,Kavkazski Front 1914-1917 gg.,İzdatelstvo “Ayastan”,Yerevan ,1917 P:305)

“Similarly ,Georg V, the all Armenian Catholics after the occupation of Van ,states in the congratulatory telegrams he sent to Vorontsov,the Caucasian Governor of Russia and to

P.I.Oganovsky,the Commander of the 4th Caucasian Army that he is praying for news Victories of the Russian armies.

(ARARAT,no 5 ,1915,p.415 vd cited in :ibid ,p.307)

“Hatisian ,one of the important leaders of Dashnagsutiun ,in his memories published in the 5th issue of ARYENİK in 1933,states that “with the defeat of the Russian army ,all our hopes pinned on this army were exhausted” and declares his position in WWI.

(ARYENİK,no 5,1933,cited in A.A.Lalaian,”Kontrevolyutsionnaya Rol Partii Dashnagsoutiun “ ,İstoriçeskie Zapiski,No2 ,1928,p83.)

***Fighting against TÜRKİYE İN THE SERVİCE of the british and french armies.

Following the collapse of the Tsarist Russia ,Dashnags went under the control Of the western imperialist and fought against TÜRKİYE for the regional interest Of the britain,france and usa.

Katchaznouni,as the prime-minister of the dashnag governement ,on february 1919, in a meeting with general F.Wocker,the commander of the british occupation forces,stated that he was sure the conditions of armenians would improve with the victories of the allies and with their movement into CAUCASIA.The report on this meeting is in the archives of the INTERIOR MINISTERY OF ARMENIA.

(see Armenian SSR Interior Ministery Central October Revolution Archives (TsAOR MVD SSRA) fond 114 ,folder 23 ,leaf 48 cited in :D.Yenukidze ,Krah İmperialistiçskoy İnterventsii V Zakavkazye ,Gospolizdat Gruzinskoy SSR ,Tbilisi ,1954,p:188)

Similarly ,another document in the ARMENİAN STATE ARCHİVES relates that the Armenians in ADANA were armed by the FRENCH occupation forces under the command of General DİFFE and were organized in “revenge units” and fought in FRENCH UNİFORMS.

(Armenians SSR State History Archives (GİA Arm .SSR) F.200 f.132 lf.338 cited in:N.Z.Efendiyeva ,Borba Turetskogo Naroda Protiv Frantsuzkih Okkupantov Na Yege Anatolii(1919-1921 gg.)İzdatelsvo AN AZERBAYCANSKOY SSR,BAKU ,1966 P.116)

Obeying british and french imperialism resulted in a commitment in the GREEK İNVASİON.The foreign minister of the Dashnag Governement states,in the telegram he sent to his representative in TBİLİSİ:

“The situation on the front is very grave.It is essential that you see LUCK and CORBEILLE (The representative of the allies in Tbilisi)and have them sent telegrams to their governments

informing them of how the TÜRK troops are advancing and demand that they take all the necessary precautions(...)See the GREEK representative too and demand that he too send a telegram to his government to inform them the situation and to ask them if it is possible for the GREEK forces to start an assault and break the strength of the TÜRK forces.

(D.S.Zavriev,K.Noveyşey ,İstorii Severo-Vostoçnıh Vilayetov Turtsii,Tbilisi,1947 p:85)
2007-11-09 10:06:51 UTC
YES it happened. Have seen documents and photos of the victims, even relatives of the victims have been interviewed. It´s obvious that such a terrible massacre will be remembered from one generation to another!

The official Turkey anyway denies it, of course. In my opinion they should just admit it. It´s already so many years ago, that it would be a relief to people to know their own history and then try to move on living. It seems, though, that this question of genocide or not, is causing much disturbance between the Turks and the Armenians.

Hostile remarks can be seen even on this site, day by day more, in my opinion. It´s sad. Man is a strange creature!

(You see what I mean, I checked my answer on the site, and you can see how much this question is upsetting the people over there, I feel very sad over the anger and accusations this question has caused from one side to the other!)
2007-11-09 10:02:54 UTC
Yes it did happen I will post some facts form the US archives. And with the Turkish lobby fighting to hide this and many US politicians helping them for money. It shows how the US is in trouble like Europe with Muslims. But we Christians will out them and win the war on Islam that they started or as they called it holy war.

Now you have true statments and the facts. I know the Turks will flag this as it is the truth and like they treat their women they beat them down. But I am not a woman or a slave I am Armeican who will defeat the dirty ( Kavor) Turks.

Flag me I flag you ten times. Attack me I do the same ten times and worse. Be a kind person and I return it but I am a man anot not a woman to beat which as you read they have to do. And God bless the PPK for fighting and learning from the Turks but the Kurds where part of the Genocide as we..



September 29, 1915

Refugee Tells of the Fate of Those in Turkish Hands

Speaking yesterday, his remarks being based on the authenticated data in his possession, Professor Dutton said he does not believe anything had happened in many centuries so terrible as is the studied and systematized effort on the part of a political coterie in Turkey - the Young Turks, led by Enver Pasha - to exterminate a whole race of people. The whole plan involves the wiping out of the Armenians.

Only a day or two ago, added Professor Dutton, a young girl who left Turkey on Aug 18 called here to see him. She told of the fate of the 100 girls who were attending a mission school in Anatolia. These girls, who were of course Armenians, were divided into groups and those that were the best looking in the opinion of the Turkish officers were taken over by those officers. Those considered not quite so good looking were given over to the soldiers, while those still less attractive were put up for sale to the highest bidders.

Several Americans who have been in Turkey for many years have arrived here within the last few days. They all testify to the truthfulness of the reports that have come out of Turkey concerning the treatment of the Armenians, but in every instance they beg that their names be not used for fear that what they have said will find its way back to Turkey and friends or relatives they left behind will be punished by the Turks in retaliation.

Copies of two letters, in which the writers tell of the fate that is being meted out to the Armenians, were given to The Times yesterday by a man in close touch with Armenian conditions.

In one of these letters the writer among other things says:

In Urtab, Tukh, and about twenty other Armenian villages on the lake the entire population was found to have been massacred by the Turks - not a single living soul was found in these villages, which were now given over to howling dogs, while large numbers of corpses have been washed ashore from the lake and the rivers.

These corpses, which were ascertained to be all of males, were terribly mutilated, but nothing was discovered as to the whereabouts of women and children. By sunset of July 20 the Armenians captured the heights of Kerkur. When they reached the summit the town of Bitlis presented to their disappointed gaze a sheet of flames, and they knew that the worst had happened. Some female refugees, who managed to escape the Turkish cordon, have since related the story of fiendish massacres in the town and the wholesale deportation of women and children.

To a well known minister of the Armenian Church there came out of Turkey, by some mysterious underground route, a letter which is described as of "undoubted trustworthiness" Excerpts from their letter follow:

Armenia without the Armenians - such is the plan of the Ottoman Government, which has already begun to install Moslem families in the homes and property of the Armenians. Needless to say, the deported are not allowed by the Government to take any of their belongings with them, and as there is moreover, no means of transport owing to the exigencies of the military, they are forced to cover on foot the two or three months' journey to that corner of the desert region which is destined to be their sepulchre.

am trying to understand exactly why Turkey is considered such an important ally of the USA by our State Department and President.

1. Turkey has defied US & UN condemnation for over 30 years by illegally invading & occupying Cyprus.

2. Turkey refused to allow US aircraft to fly over their airspace to deliver humanitarian aid to the survivors of a major earthquake in Armenia on Dec. 7, 1988 at which time 30,000 souls perished in the middle of winter.

3. Amnesty International has consistently named Turkey as one of the worst human rights violators in the world. A few years ago over 100 political prisoners starved themselves to death in protest of their treatment & incarceration.

4. At one time they had more journalists in prison than any other nation. So much for free speech & democratic values.

5. Turkey has been and may still be a military dictatorship. Regardless of the fact that elections are held, if the military is unhappy, the government is replaced. They have had many Prime Ministers over a short period of time.

6. They have received economic, humanitarian & military aid from the USA, and in some instances have used our money to lobby Congress for more.

7. They have established chairs of Turkish studies in major Universities throughout the USA, funding them with millions of dollars, much of which they received from us, for the primary purpose of revising history and denying the Armenian Genocide. They have found it cheaper to bribe academicians than politicians. We successfitlly defeated such an attempt at the University of Michigan almost 10 years ago. They did this while their own higher educational system was in shambles.

8. They have spent millions of dollars lobbying Congress hiring former Congressman Bob Livingston to lobby Republicans and more recently former Congressman Dick Gephardt (who was a staunch supporter of the Armenian Genocide while in office for 27 years) to lobby Democrats. Congressman Joe Knollenberg calls them, "former statesmen, now salesmen".

9. For decades millions of Kurds in southeastern Turkey have been denied their linguistic and cultural rights, they were not allowed to speak or teach their language. Thousands of Kurds have been killed, beaten and imprisoned. When they retaliated, they were called terrorists.

10. After the first Gulf War, President Clinton allowed Turkey to invade northern Iraq and kill the same Kurds that President Bush promised to protect from Saddam Hussein. By the way, they used American tanks, aircraft and weapons

11. In 2005 Secretary Rumsfeld in an interview on Fox News said that the invasion of Iraq was delayed, that many of the insurgents would have been eliminated, the cost of the war and the loss of American lives was elevated by Turkey's refusal to allow us to invade from the North.

12. One of the best-selling books in Turkey is Mein Kampf..

13. A recent film, "Valley of the Wolves, Iraq, is the hottest film in Turkey and Prime Minister Erdogan and his wife thought it was a very good movie. The US military advised their personnel not to be around theaters that were showing the film. The movie portrays a Jewish doctor (played by an American actor) who supposedly harvests body parts of Iraqis and sells them to "wealthy Brits, Israelis and Americans".

14. A Turkish newspaper editor of Armenian descent, Hrant Dink. was shot dead in January by a teenager, who was treated like a hero by the local police. Mr. Dink was being tried in court subject to article 301 of their penal code for his comments about the Armenian Genocide in his newspaper Agos.

15. Recently Hrant's son was also convicted of "insulting Turkishness" for reprinting his father's comments about the Genocide in the same newspaper. His sentence and that of his publisher, who was also convicted, was suspended.

16. Orhan Pamuk, a Turkish author who won the Nobel Prize for literature was also convicted. His sentence was also suspended. Elif Shafak, another author was also tried under this law because one of her fictitious characters in her novel spoke of the Genocide of the Armenians. International attention has been focused on this law that does not allow any open discussion of any subject that the court feels is derogatory to Turkey. So much for free speech. Turkey would never be allowed to become a member of the European Union as long as this law was in effect.

17. The Turks have been amassing thousands of troops along the Iraq border and intelligence indicates that long before HR106 passed in committee, the Turkish army had already crossed the Iraqi line to hit Kurdish areas where they suspected PKK insurgents were hiding. Passing this resolution only gives them justification for something they would do anyway.

18. When the French Parliament simply stated that the Armenian Genocide did occur, without mentioning Turkey, they immediately withdrew their ambassador and canceled weapons contracts. Shortly thereafter, they resumed business as usual and their volume of business with France is many times greater than before.

19. In October 2000, when this same bill had passed in committee and was about to be voted on by the full House, President Clinton called Speaker Hastert and said that the Turks told them that they could not be responsible for American lives in Turkey if the resolution passed. Speaker Hastert killed the resolution, Turkish intimidation was successful. They said then that the time was wrong.

20. In February 2000 then Governor Bush, in a letter to me, wrote that if elected he would affirm the Armenian Genocide.

21. In 2002, The International Center of Transitional Justice concluded a study that the massacres met the internationally accepted definition of genocide.

22. Raphael Lemkin, a Polish Jew, coined the term "genocide" in 1944 based on the planned extermination of the .Armenians by the Ottoman Turks in 1915 and the Jews during World War II.

23. The Turks speak of wanting an open dialogue, but article 301 prevents any discussion.

24. Armenia's Foreign Minister in a letter to Speaker Pelosi regarding a letter sent to her and signed by 8 former Secretaries of State, states: "It is unfortunate that eight experienced diplomats would buy into Turkish manipulation. I regret to say that there is no process in place to promote normalization between Armenia and Turkey. Expressing concern about damaging a process that doesn't exist is at the very least, disingenuous. Let me go further. Not only is there no process, I can honestly tell you that we have no hope that Turkey will seriously engage with the expectation of achieving minimal normal relations as an outcome."

25. He further states that: "A resolution that addresses matters of human rights and genocide cannot damage anyone's bilateral relations, either yours with Turkey, nor ours."

26. The US ambassador to Turkey at the time the Genocide began, wrote in his memoirs, "The murder of a nation" and he called the massacre "the greatest crime in modern history."

27. An editorial in the Calgary Herald, Sunday Oct. 14, 2007, states: "There is not a shred of doubt that the Genocide happened. The Turkish interior minister at the lime, Talat Pasha, even told a German reporter that they had to get rid of all the Armenians regardless of guilt because "those who were innocent today might be guilty tomorrow." News and evidence of the killings were leaked by foreign observers to Western governments, but as with the genocide in Rawanda nearly 80 years later, nothing was done.

28. Turkey is now trying to elicit U.S. support against the Kurds as a kind of quid pro quo. In a statement on October 11th, Egemen Bagis an MP and foreign policy advisor to Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan stated: "I don't know of any other option that can somehow soften the hearts of 72 million Turks." He is referring to:, "the only remedy of yesterday’s mistake is cooperation in the fight against the PKK.."

29. H.Res.106 enjoys bipartisan support from over 224 cosponsors and has been approved by the Foreign Affairs Committee. It is endorsed by human rights, academic, faith-based and ethnic groups representing millions of Americans.

30. The Armenian Genocide is officially recognized by 40 U.S. States and more than 20 nations, including 11 NATO allies.

Henry Morgenthau

American Ambassador to Constantinople




The destruction of the Armenian race in 1915 involved certain difficulties that had not impeded the operations of the Turks in the massacres of 1895 and other years. In these earlier periods the Armenian men had possessed little power or means of resistance. In those days Armenians had not been permitted to have military training, to serve in the Turkish army, or to possess arms. As I have already said, these discriminations were withdrawn when the revolutionists obtained the upper hand in 1908. Not only were the Christians now permitted to bear arms, but the authorities, in the full flush of their enthusiasm for freedom and equality, encouraged them to do so. In the early part of 1915, therefore, every Turkish city contained thousands of Armenians who had been trained as soldiers and who were supplied with rifles, pistols, and other weapons of defense. The operations at Van once more disclosed that these men could use their weapons to good advantage. It was thus apparent that an Armenian massacre this time would generally assume more the character of warfare than those wholesale butcheries of defenseless men and women which the Turks had always found so congenial. If this plan of murdering a race were to succeed, two preliminary steps would therefore have to be taken: it would be necessary to render all Armenian soldiers powerless and to deprive of their arms the Armenians in every city and town. Before Armenia could be slaughtered, Armenia must be made defenseless.

In the early part of 1915, the Armenian soldiers in the Turkish army were reduced to a new status. Up to that time most of them had been combatants, but now they were all stripped of their arms and transformed into workmen. Instead of serving their country as artillerymen and cavalrymen, these former soldiers now discovered that they had been transformed into road labourers and pack animals. Army supplies of all kinds were loaded on their backs, and, stumbling under the burdens and driven by the whips and bayonets of the Turks, they were forced to drag their weary bodies into the mountains of the Caucasus. Sometimes they would have to plough their way, burdened in this fashion, almost waist high through snow. They had to spend practically all their time in the open, sleeping on the bare ground---whenever the ceaseless prodding of their taskmasters gave them an occasional opportunity to sleep. They were given only scraps of food; if they fell sick they were left where they had dropped, their Turkish oppressors perhaps stopping long enough to rob them of all their possessions---even of their clothes. If any stragglers succeeded in reaching their destinations, they were not infrequently massacred. In many instances Armenian soldiers were disposed of in even more summary fashion, for it now became almost the general practice to shoot them in cold blood. In almost all cases the procedure was the same. Here and there squads of 50 or 100 men would be taken, bound together in groups of four, and then marched out to a secluded spot a short distance from the village. Suddenly the sound of rifle shots would fill the air, and the Turkish soldiers who had acted as the escort would sullenly return to camp. Those sent to bury the bodies would find them almost invariably stark naked, for, as usual, the Turks had stolen all their clothes. In cases that came to my attention, the murderers had added a refinement to their victims' sufferings by compelling them to dig their graves before being shot.

Let me relate a single episode which is contained in one of the reports of our consuls and which now forms part of the records of the American State Department. Early in July, 2,000 Armenian "amélés"---such is the Turkish word for soldiers who have been reduced to workmen---were sent from Harpoot to build roads. The Armenians in that town understood what this meant and pleaded with the Governor for mercy. But this official insisted that the men were not to be harmed, and he even called upon the German missionary, Mr. Ehemann, to quiet the panic, giving that gentleman his word of honour that the ex-soldiers would be protected. Mr. Ehemann believed the Governor and assuaged the popular fear. Yet practically every man of these 2,000 was massacred, and his body thrown into a cave. A few escaped, and it was from these that news of the massacre reached the world. A few days afterward another 2,000 soldiers were sent to Diarbekir. The only purpose of sending these men out in the open country was that they might be massacred. In order that they might have no strength to resist or to escape by flight, these poor creatures were systematically starved. Government agents went ahead on the road, notifying the Kurds that the caravan was approaching and ordering them to do their congenial duty. Not only did the Kurdish tribesmen pour down from the mountains upon this starved and weakened regiment, but the Kurdish women came with butcher's knives in order that they might gain that merit in Allah's eyes that comes from killing a Christian. These massacres were not isolated happenings; I could detail many more episodes just as horrible as the one related above; throughout the Turkish Empire a systematic attempt was made to kill all able-bodied men, not only for the purpose of removing all males who might propagate a new generation of Armenians, but for the purpose of rendering the weaker part of the population an easy prey.

Fig. 43. ABDUL HAMID. Known in history as the "Red Sultan" and stigmatized by Gladstone as "the great assassin." It was his state policy to solve the Armenian problem by murdering the entire race. The fear of England, France, Russia, and America, was the only thing that restrained him from accomplishing this task. His successors, Talaat and Enver, no longer fearing these nations, have more successfully carried out his programme


Dreadful as were these massacres of unarmed soldiers, they were mercy and justice themselves when compared with the treatment which was now visited upon those Armenians who were suspected of concealing arms. Naturally the Christians became alarmed when placards were posted in the villages and cities ordering everybody to bring their arms to headquarters. Although this order applied to all citizens, the Armenians well understood what the result would be, should they be left defenseless while their Moslem neighbours were permitted to retain their arms. In many cases, however, the persecuted people patiently obeyed the command; and then the Turkish officials almost joyfully seized their rifles as evidence that a "revolution" was being planned and threw their victims into prison on a charge of treason. Thousands failed to deliver arms simply because they had none to deliver, while an even greater number tenaciously refused to give them up, not because they were plotting an uprising, but because they proposed to defend their own lives and their women's honour against the outrages which they knew were being planned. The punishment inflicted upon these recalcitrants forms one of the most hideous chapters of modern history. Most of us believe that torture has long ceased to be an administrative and judicial measure, yet I do not believe that the darkest ages ever presented scenes more horrible than those which now took place all over Turkey. Nothing was sacred to the Turkish gendarmes; under the plea of searching for hidden arms, they ransacked churches, treated the altars and sacred utensils with the utmost indignity, and even held mock ceremonies in imitation of the Christian sacraments. They would beat the priests into insensibility, under the pretense that they were the centres of sedition. When they could discover no weapons in the churches, they would sometimes arm the bishops and priests with guns, pistols, and swords, then try them before courts-martial for possessing weapons against the law, and march them in this condition through the streets, merely to arouse the fanatical wrath of the mobs. The gendarmes treated women with the same cruelty and indecency as the men. There are cases on record in which women accused of concealing weapons were stripped naked and whipped with branches freshly cut from trees, and these beatings were even inflicted on women who were with child. Violations so commonly accompanied these searches that Armenian women and girls, on the approach of the gendarmes, would flee to the woods, the hills, or to mountain eaves.

As a preliminary to the searches everywhere, the strong men of the villages and towns were arrested and taken to prison. Their tormentors here would exercise the most diabolical ingenuity in their attempt to make their victims declare themselves to be "revolutionists" and to tell the hiding places of their arms. A common practice was to place the prisoner in a room, with two Turks stationed at each end and each side. The examination would then begin with the bastinado. This is a form of torture not uncommon in the Orient; it consists of beating the soles of the feet with a thin rod. At first the pain is not marked; but as the process goes slowly on, it develops into the most terrible agony, the feet swell and burst, and not infrequently, after being submitted to this treatment, they have to be amputated. The gendarmes would bastinado their Armenian victim until he fainted; they would then revive him by sprinkling water on his face and begin again. If this did not succeed in bringing their victim to terms, they had numerous other methods of persuasion. They would pull out his eyebrows and beard almost hair by hair; they would extract his finger nails and toe nails; they would apply red-hot irons to his breast, tear off his flesh with red-hot pincers, and then pour boiled butter into the wounds. In some cases the gendarmes would nail hands and feet to pieces of wood---evidently in imitation of the Crucifixion, and then, while the sufferer writhed in his agony, they would cry: " Now let your Christ come and help you!

These cruelties---and many others which I forbear to describe---were usually inflicted in the night time. Turks would be stationed around the prisons, beating drums and blowing whistles, so that the screams of the sufferers would not reach the villagers.

In thousands of cases the Armenians endured these agonies and refused to surrender their arms simply because they had none to surrender. However, they could not persuade their tormentors that this was the case. It therefore became customary, when news was received that the searchers were approaching, for Armenians to purchase arms from their Turkish neighbours so that they might be able to give them up and escape these frightful punishments.

One day I was discussing these proceedings with a responsible Turkish official, who was describing the tortures inflicted. He made no secret of the fact that the Government had instigated them, and, like an Turks of the official classes, he enthusiastically approved this treatment of the detested race. This official told me that all these details were matters of nightly discussion at the headquarters of the Union and Progress Committee. Each new method of inflicting pain was hailed as a splendid discovery, and the regular attendants were constantly ransacking their brains in the effort to devise some new torment. He told me that they even delved into the records of the Spanish Inquisition and other historic institutions of torture and adopted all the suggestions found there. He did not tell me who carried off the prize in this gruesome competition, but common reputation throughout Armenia gave a preeminent infamy to Djevdet Bey, the Vali of Van, whose activities in that section I have already described. All through this country Djevdet was generally known as the "horseshoer of Bashkale" for this connoisseur in torture had invented what was perhaps the masterpiece of all---that of nailing horseshoes to the feet of his Armenian victims.

Map 5. Armenia

Yet these happenings did not constitute what the newspapers of the time commonly referred to as the Armenian atrocities; they were merely the preparatory steps in the destruction of the race. The Young Turks displayed greater ingenuity than their predecessor, Abdul Hamid. The injunction of the deposed Sultan was merely "to kill, kill", whereas the Turkish democracy hit upon an entirely new plan. Instead of massacring outright the Armenian race, they now decided to deport it. In the south and southeastern section of the Ottoman Empire lie the Syrian desert and the Mesopotamian valley. Though part of this area was once the scene of a flourishing civilization, for the last five centuries it has suffered the blight that becomes the lot of any country that is subjected to Turkish rule; and it is now a dreary, desolate waste, without cities and towns or life of any kind, populated only by a few wild and fanatical Bedouin tribes. Only the most industrious labour, expended through many years, could transform this desert into the abiding place of any considerable population. The Central Government now announced its intention of gathering the two million or more Armenians living in the several sections of the empire and transporting them to this desolate and inhospitable region. Had they undertaken such a deportation in good faith it would have represented the height of cruelty and injustice. As a matter of fact, the Turks never had the slightest idea of reestablishing the Armenians in this new country. They knew that the great majority would never reach their destination and that those who did would either die of thirst and starvation, or be murdered by the wild Mohammedan desert tribes. The real purpose of the deportation was robbery and destruction; it really represented a new method of massacre. When the Turkish authorities gave the orders for these deportations, they were merely giving the death warrant to a whole race; they understood this well, and, in their conversations with me, they made no particular attempt to conceal the fact.

All through the spring and summer of 1915 the deportations took place. Of the larger cities, Constantinople, Smyrna, and Aleppo were spared; practically all other places where a single Armenian family lived now became the scenes of these unspeakable tragedies. Scarcely a single Armenian, whatever his education or wealth, or whatever the social class to which he belonged, was exempted from the order. In some villages placards were posted ordering the whole Armenian population to present itself in a public place at an appointed time-usually a day or two ahead, and in other places the town crier would go through the streets delivering the order vocally. In still others not the slightest warning was given. The gendarmes would appear before an Armenian. house and order all the inmates to follow them. They would take women engaged in their domestic tasks without giving them the chance to change their clothes. The police fell upon them just as the eruption of Vesuvius fell upon Pompeii; women were taken from the washtubs, children were snatched out of bed, the bread was left half baked in the oven, the family meal was abandoned partly eaten, the children were taken from the schoolroom, leaving their books open at the daily task, and the men were forced to abandon their ploughs in the fields and their cattle on the mountain side. Even women who had just given birth to children would be forced to leave their beds and join the panic-stricken throng, their sleeping babies in their arms. Such things as they hurriedly snatched up---a shawl, a blanket, perhaps a few scraps of food---were all that they could take of their household belongings. To their frantic questions " Where are we going? " the gendarmes would vouchsafe only one reply: "To the interior."

In some cases the refugees were given a few hours, in exceptional instances a few days, to dispose of their property and household effects. But the proceeding, of course, amounted simply to robbery. They could sell only to Turks, and since both buyers and sellers knew that they had only a day or two to market the accumulations of a lifetime, the prices obtained represented a small fraction of their value. Sewing machines would bring one or two dollars---a cow would go for a dollar, a houseful of furniture would be sold for a pittance. In many cases Armenians were prohibited from selling or Turks from buying even at these ridiculous prices; under pretense that the Government intended to sell their effects to pay the creditors whom they would inevitably leave behind, their household furniture would be placed in stores or heaped up in public places, where it was usually pillaged by Turkish men and women. The government officials would also inform the Armenians that, since their deportation was only temporary, the intention being to bring them back after the war was over, they would not be permitted to sell their houses. Scarcely had the former possessors left the village, when Mohammedan mohadjirs---immigrants from other parts of Turkey---would be moved into the Armenian quarters. Similarly all their valuables---money, rings, watches, and jewellery---would be taken to the police stations for "safe keeping, pending their return, and then parcelled out among the Turks. Yet these robberies gave the refugees little anguish, for far more terrible and agonizing scenes were taking place under their eyes. The systematic extermination of the men continued; such males as the persecutions which I have already described had left were now violently dealt with. Before the caravans were started, it became the regular practice to separate the young men from the families, tie them together in groups of four, lead them to the outskirts, and shoot them. Public hangings without trial---the only offense being that the victims were Armenians---were taking place constantly. The gendarmes showed a particular desire to annihilate the educated and the influential. From American consuls and missionaries I was constantly receiving reports of such executions, and many of the events which they described will never fade from my memory. At Angora all Armenian men from fifteen to seventy were arrested, bound together in groups of four, and sent on the road in the direction of Caesarea. When they had travelled five or six hours and had reached a secluded valley, a mob of Turkish peasants fell upon them with clubs, hammers, axes, scythes, spades, and saws. Such instruments not only caused more agonizing deaths than guns and pistols, but, as the Turks themselves boasted, they were more economical, since they did not involve the waste of powder and shell. In this way they exterminated the whole male population of Angora, including all its men of wealth and breeding, and their bodies, horribly mutilated, were left in the valley, where they were devoured by wild beasts. After completing this destruction, the peasants and gendarmes gathered in the local tavern, comparing notes and boasting of the number of "'giaours" that each had slain. In Trebizond the men were placed in boats and sent out on the Black Sea; gendarmes would follow them in boats, shoot them down, and throw their bodies into the water.

When the signal was given for the caravans to move, therefore, they almost invariably consisted of women, children, and old men. Any one who could possibly have protected them from the fate that awaited them had been destroyed. Not infrequently the prefect of the city, as the mass started on its way, would wish them a derisive "pleasant journey." Before the caravan moved the women were sometimes offered the alternative of becoming Mohammedans. Even though they accepted the new faith, which few of them did, their earthly troubles did not end. The converts were compelled to surrender their children to a so-called "Moslem Orphanage," with the agreement that they should be trained as devout followers of the Prophet, They themselves must then show the sincerity of their conversion by abandoning their Christian husbands and marrying Moslems. If no good Mohammedan offered himself as a husband, then the new convert was deported, however strongly she might protest her devotion to Islam.

Fig. 45. FISHING VILLAGE ON LAKE VAN. In this district about 55,000 Armenians were massacred.

Fig. 46. REFUGEES AT VAN CROWDING AROUND A PUBLIC OVEN, HOPING TO GET BREAD. These people were torn from their homes almost without warning, and started toward the desert. Thousands of children and women as well as men died on these forced journeys, not only from hunger and exposure, but also from the inhuman cruelty of their guards

At first the Government showed some inclination to protect these departing throngs. The officers usually divided them into convoys, in some cases numbering several hundred, in others several thousand. The civil authorities occasionally furnished ox-carts which carried such household furniture as the exiles had succeeded in scrambling together. A guard of gendarmerie accompanied each convoy, ostensibly to guide and protect it. Women, scantily clad, carrying babies in their arms or on their backs, marched side by side with old men hobbling along with canes. Children would run along, evidently regarding the procedure, in the early stages, as some new lark. A more prosperous member would perhaps have a horse or a donkey, occasionally a farmer had rescued a cow or a sheep, which would trudge along at his side, and the usual assortment of family pets---dogs, cats, and birds---became parts of the variegated procession. From thousands of Armenian cities and villages these despairing caravans now set forth; they filled all the roads leading southward; everywhere, as they moved on, they raised a huge dust, and abandoned débris, chairs, blankets, bedclothes, household utensils, and other impedimenta, marked the course of the processions. When the caravans first started, the individuals bore some resemblance to human beings; in a few hours, however, the dust of the road plastered their faces and clothes, the mud caked their lower members, and the slowly advancing mobs, frequently bent with fatigue and crazed by the brutality of their "protectors," resembled some new .and strange animal species. Yet for the better part of six months, from April to October, 1915, practically all the highways in Asia Minor were crowded with these unearthly bands of exiles. They could be seen winding in and out of every valley and climbing up the sides of nearly every mountain---moving on and on, they scarcely knew whither, except that every road led to death. Village after village and town after town was evacuated of its Armenian population, under the distressing circumstances already detailed. In these six months, as far as can be ascertained, about 1,200,000 people started on this journey to the Syrian desert.

"Pray for us," they would say as they left their homes---the homes in which their ancestors had lived for 2,500 years. "We shall not see you in this world again, but sometime we shall meet. Pray for us!"

The Armenians had hardly left their native villages when the persecutions began. The roads over which they travelled were little more than donkey paths; and what had started a few hours before as an orderly procession soon became a dishevelled and scrambling mob. Women were separated from their children and husbands from their wives. The old people soon lost contact with their families and became exhausted and footsore. The Turkish drivers of the ox-carts, after extorting the last coin from their charges, would suddenly dump them and their belongings into the road, turn around, and return to the village for other victims. Thus in a short time practically everybody, young and old, was compelled to travel on foot. The gendarmes whom the Government had sent, supposedly to protect the exiles, in a very few hours became their tormentors. They followed their charges with fixed bayonets, prodding any one who showed any tendency to slacken the pace. Those who attempted to stop for rest, or who fell exhausted on the road, were compelled, with the utmost brutality, to rejoin the moving throng. They even prodded pregnant women with bayonets; if one,. as frequently happened, gave birth along the road, she was immediately forced to get up and rejoin the marchers. The whole course of the journey became a perpetual struggle with the Moslem inhabitants. Detachments of gendarmes would go ahead, notifying the Kurdish tribes that their victims were approaching, and Turkish peasants were also informed that their long-waited opportunity had arrived. The Government even opened the prisons and set free the convicts, on the understanding that they should behave like good Moslems to the approaching Armenians. Thus every caravan had a continuous battle for existence with several classes of enemies---their accompanying gendarmes, the Turkish peasants and villagers, the Kurdish tribes and bands of Chétés or brigands. And we must always keep in mind that the men who might have defended these wayfarers had nearly all been killed or forced into the army as workmen, and that the exiles themselves had been systematically deprived of all weapons before the journey began.

When the victims had travelled a few hours from their starting place, the Kurds would sweep down from their mountain homes. Rushing up to the young girls, they would lift their veils and carry the pretty ones off to the hills. They would steal such children as pleased their fancy and mercilessly rob all the rest of the throng. If the exiles had started with any money or food, their assailants would appropriate it, thus leaving them a hopeless prey to starvation. They would steal their clothing, and sometimes even leave both men and women in a state of complete nudity. All the time that they were committing these depradations the Kurds would freely massacre, and the screams of women and old men would add to the general horror. Such as escaped these attacks in the open would find new terrors awaiting them in the Moslem villages. Here the Turkish roughs would fall upon the women, leaving them sometimes dead from their experiences or sometimes ravingly insane. After spending a night in a hideous encampment of this kind, the exiles, or such as had survived, would start again the next morning. The ferocity of the gendarmes apparently increased as the journey lengthened, for they seemed almost to resent the fact that part of their charges continued to live. Frequently any one who dropped on the road was bayoneted on the spot. The Armenians began to die by hundreds from hunger and thirst. Even when they came to rivers, the gendarmes, merely to torment them, would sometimes not let them drink. The hot sun of the desert burned their scantily clothed bodies, and their bare feet, treading the hot sand of the desert, became so sore that thousands fell and died or were killed where they lay. Thus, in a few days, what had been a procession of normal human beings became a stumbling horde of dust-covered skeletons, ravenously looking for scraps of food, eating any offal that came their way, crazed by the hideous sights that filled every hour of their existence, sick with all the diseases that accompany such hardships and privations, but still prodded on and on by the whips and clubs and bayonets of their executioners.

And thus, as the exiles moved, they left behind them another caravan---that of dead and unburied bodies, of old men and of women dying in the last stages of typhus, dysentery, and cholera, of little children lying on their backs and setting up their last piteous wails for food and water. There were women who held up their babies to strangers, begging them to take them and save them from their tormentors, and failing this, they would throw them into wells or leave them behind bushes., that at least they might die undisturbed. Behind was left a small army of girls who had been sold as slaves---frequently for a medjidie, or about eighty cents---and who, after serving the brutal purposes of their purchasers, were forced to lead lives of prostitution. A string of encampments, filled by the sick and the dying, mingled with the unburied or half-buried bodies of the dead, marked the course of the advancing throngs. Flocks of vultures followed them in the air, and ravenous dogs, fighting one another for the bodies of the dead, constantly pursued them. The most terrible scenes took place at the rivers, especially the Euphrates. Sometimes, when crossing this stream, the gendarmes would push the women into the water, shooting all who attempted to save themselves by swimming. Frequently the women themselves would save their honour by jumping into the river, their children in their arms.

"In the last week in June," I quote from a consular report, "several parties of Erzeroum Armenians were deported on successive days and most of them massacred on the way, either by shooting or drowning. One, Madame Zarouhi, an elderly lady of means, who was thrown into the Euphrates, saved herself by clinging to a boulder in the river. She succeeded in approaching the bank and returned to Erzeroum. to hide herself in a Turkish friend's house. She told Prince Argoutinsky, the representative of the 'All-Russian Urban Union' in Erzeroum, that she shuddered to recall how hundreds of children were bayoneted by the Turks and thrown into the Euphrates, and how men and women were stripped naked, tied together in hundreds, shot, and then hurled into the river. In a loop of the river near Erzinghan, she said, the thousands of dead bodies created such a barrage that the Euphrates changed its course for about a hundred yards."

It is absurd for the Turkish Government to assert that it ever seriously intended to "deport the Armenians to new homes"; the treatment which was given the convoys clearly shows that extermination was the real purpose of Enver and Talaat. How many exiled to the south under these revolting conditions ever reached their destinations? The experiences of a single caravan show how completely this plan of deportation developed into one of annihilation. The details in question were furnished me directly by the American Consul at Aleppo, and are now on file in the State Department at Washington. On the first of June a convoy of three thousand Armenians, mostly women, girls, and children, left Harpoot. Following the usual custom the Government provided them an escort of seventy gendarmes, under the command of a Turkish leader, a Bey. In accordance with the common experience these gendarmes proved to be not their protectors, but their tormentors and their executioners. Hardly had they got well started on the road when Bey took 400 liras from the caravan, on the plea that he was keeping it safely until their arrival at Malatia; no sooner had he robbed them of the only thing that might have provided them with food than he ran away, leaving them all to the tender mercies of the gendarmes.

All the way to Ras-ul-Ain, the first station on the Bagdad line, the existence of these wretched travellers was one prolonged horror. The gendarmes went ahead, informing the half-savage tribes of the mountains that several thousand Armenian women and girls were approaching. The Arabs and Kurds began to carry off the girls, the mountaineers fell upon them repeatedly, violating and killing the women, and the gendarmes themselves joined in the orgy. One by one the few men who accompanied the convoy were killed. The women had succeeded in secreting money from their persecutors, keeping it in their mouths and hair; with this they would buy horses, only to have them repeatedly stolen by the Kurdish tribesmen. Finally the gendarmes, having robbed and beaten and violated and killed their charges for thirteen days, abandoned them altogether. Two days afterward the Kurds went through the party and rounded up all the males who still remained alive. They found about 150, their ages varying from 15 to 90 years, and these, they promptly took away and butchered to the last man. But that same day another convoy from Sivas joined---this one from Harpoot, increasing the numbers of the whole caravan to 18,000 people.

Another Kurdish Bey now took command, and to him, as to all men placed in the same position, the opportunity was regarded merely as one for pillage, outrage, and murder. This chieftain summoned all his followers from the mountains and invited them to work their complete will upon this great mass of Armenians. Day after day and night after night the prettiest girls were carried away; sometimes they returned in a pitiable condition that told the full story of their sufferings. Any stragglers, those who were so old and infirm and sick that they could not keep up with the marchers, were promptly killed. Whenever they reached a Turkish village all the local vagabonds were permitted to prey upon the Armenian girls. When the diminishing band reached the Euphrates they saw the bodies of 200 men floating upon the surface. By this time they had all been so repeatedly robbed that they had practically nothing left except a few ragged clothes, and even these the Kurds now took; and the larger part of the convoy marched for five days almost completely naked under the scorching desert sun. For another five days they did not have a morsel of bread or a drop of water. "Hundreds fell dead on the way," the report reads, "their tongues were turned to charcoal., and when, at the end of five days, they reached a fountain, the whole convoy naturally rushed toward it. But here the policemen barred the way and forebade them to take a single drop of water. Their purpose was to sell it at from one to three liras a cup and sometimes they actually withheld the water after getting the money. At another place, where there were wells, some women threw themselves into them, as there was no rope or pail to draw up the water. These women were drowned and, in spite of that, the rest of the people drank from that well, the dead bodies still remaining there and polluting the water. Sometimes, when the wells were shallow and the women could go down into them and come out again, the other people would rush to lick or suck their wet, dirty clothes, in the effort to quench their thirst. When they passed an Arab village in their naked condition the Arabs pitied them and gave them old pieces of cloth to cover themselves with. Some of the exiles who still had money bought some clothes; but some still remained who travelled thus naked all the way to the city of Aleppo. The poor women could hardly walk for shame; they all walked bent double.

On the seventieth day a few creatures reached Aleppo. Out of the combined convoy of 18,000 souls just 150 women and children reached their destination. A few of the rest, the most attractive, were still living as captives of the Kurds and Turks; all the rest were dead.

My only reason for relating such dreadful things as this is that, without the details, the English-speaking public cannot understand precisely what this nation is which we call Turkey. I have by no means told the most terrible details, for a complete narration of the sadistic orgies of which these Armenian men and women were the victims can never be printed in an American publication . Whatever crimes the most perverted instincts of the human mind can devise, and whatever refinements of persecution and injustice the most debased imagination can conceive, became the daily misfortunes of this devoted people. I am confident that the whole history of the human race contains no such horrible episode as this. The great massacres and persecutions of the past seem almost insignificant when compared with the sufferings of the Armenian race in 1915. The slaughter of the Albigenses in the early part of the thirteenth century has always been regarded as one of the most pitiful events in history. In these outbursts of fanaticism about 60,000 people were killed. In the massacre of St. Bartholomew about 30,000 human beings lost their lives. The Sicilian Vespers, which has always figured as one of the most fiendish outbursts of this kind, caused the destruction of 8,000. Volumes have been written about the Spanish Inquisition under Torquemada, yet in the eighteen years of his administration only a little more than 8,000 heretics were done to death. Perhaps the one event in history that most resembles the Armenian deportations was the expulsion of the Jews from Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella. According to Prescott 160,000 were uprooted from their homes and scattered broadcast over Africa and Europe. Yet all these previous persecutions seem almost trivial when we compare them with the sufferings of the Armenians, in which at least 600,000 people were destroyed and perhaps as many as 1,000,000. And these earlier massacres, when we compare them with the spirit that directed the Armenian atrocities, have one feature that we can almost describe as an excuse: they were the product of religious fanaticism and most of the men and women who instigated them sincerely believed that they were devoutly serving their Maker. Undoubtedly religious fanaticism was an 'Impelling motive with the Turkish and Kurdish rabble who slew Armenians as a service to Allah, but the men who really conceived the crime had no such motive. Practically all of them were atheists, with no more respect for Mohammedanism than for Christianity, and with them the one motive was cold-blooded, calculating state policy.

The Armenians are not the only subject people in Turkey which have suffered from this policy of making Turkey exclusively the country of the Turks. The story which I have told about the Armenians I could also tell with certain modifications about the Greeks and the Syrians. Indeed the Greeks were the first victims of this nationalizing idea. I have already described how, in the few months preceding the European War, the Ottoman Government began deporting its Greek subjects along the coast of Asia Minor. These outrages aroused little interest in Europe or the United States, yet in the space of three or four months more than 100,000 Greeks were taken from their age-long homes in the Mediterranean littoral and removed to the Greek Islands and the interior. For the larger part these were bona-fide deportations; that is, the Greek inhabitants were actually removed to new places and were not subjected to wholesale massacre. it was probably for the reason that the civilized world did not protest against these deportations that the Turks afterward decided to apply the same methods on a larger scale not only to the Greeks but to the Armenians, Syrians, Nestorians, and others of its subject peoples. In fact, Bedri Bey, the Prefect of Police at Constantinople, himself told one of my secretaries that the Turks had expelled the Greeks so successfully that they had decided to apply the same method to all the other races in the empire.

The martyrdom of the Greeks, therefore, comprised two periods: that antedating the war, and that which began in the early part of 1915. The first affected chiefly the Greeks on the seacoast of Asia Minor. The second affected those living in Thrace and in the territories surrounding the Sea of Marmora, the Dardanelles, the Bosphorus, and the coast of the Black Sea. These latter, to the extent of several hundred thousand, were sent to the interior of Asia Minor. The Turks adopted almost identically the same procedure against the Greeks as that which they had adopted against the Armenians. They began by incorporating the Greeks into the Ottoman army and then transforming them into labour battalions, using them to build roads in the Caucasus and other scenes of action. These Greek soldiers, just like the Armenians, died by thousands from cold, hunger, and other privations. The same house-to-house searches for hidden weapons took place in the Greek villages, and Greek men and women were beaten and tortured just as were their fellow Armenians. The Greeks had to submit to the same forced requisitions, which amounted in their case, as in the case of the Armenians, merely to plundering on a wholesale scale. The Turks attempted to force the Greek subjects to become Mohammedans; Greek girls, just like Armenian girls, were stolen and taken to Turkish harems and Greek boys were kidnapped and placed in Moslem households. The Greeks, just like the Armenians, were accused of disloyalty to the Ottoman Government; the Turks accused them of furnishing supplies to the English submarines in the Marmora and also of acting as spies. The Turks also declared that the Greeks were not loyal to the Ottoman Government, and that they also looked forward to the day when the Greeks inside of Turkey would become part of Greece. These latter charges were unquestionably true; that the Greeks, after suffering for five centuries the most unspeakable outrages at the hands of the Turks, should look longingly to the day when their territory should be part of the fatherland, was to be expected. The Turks, as in the case of the Armenians, seized upon this as an excuse for a violent onslaught on the whole race. Everywhere the Greeks were gathered in groups and, under the so-called protection of Turkish gendarmes, they were transported, the larger part on foot, into the interior. Just how many were scattered in this fashion is not definitely known, the estimates varying anywhere from 200,000 up to 1,000,000. These caravans suffered great privations, but they were not submitted to general massacre as were the Armenians, and this is probably the reason why the outside world has not heard so much about them. The Turks showed them this greater consideration not from any motive of pity. The Greeks, unlike the Armenians, had a government which was vitally interested in their welfare. At this time there was a general apprehension among the Teutonic Allies that Greece would enter the war on the side of the Entente, and a wholesale massacre of Greeks in Asia Minor would unquestionably have produced such a state of mind in Greece that its pro-German king would have been unable longer to keep his country out of the war. It was only a matter of state policy, therefore, that saved these Greek subjects of Turkey from all the horrors that befell the Armenians. But their sufferings are still terrible, and constitute another chapter in the long story of crimes for which civilization will hold the Turk responsible.
2007-11-09 10:01:29 UTC
Although some Armenians are trying to make it happen these days, it has never happened.

I suggest them reading, researching more.
2007-11-09 09:50:19 UTC
No, it never happened.

It was a war, not a genocide.

People died on both sides, and most of the Armenians have been killed because they were actually fighting for their independance.

I can write pages and pages about that topic, concerning the armenian allegations, but it will be easier for you to check out all the resolved questions in Turkey section ( as we have not one single day without a question regarding that issue).
Mehmet K
2007-11-09 10:35:44 UTC
No, There is no Genocide against armenians, it is only 1915 happenings...

But there is GENOCIDE against Turks by armenians...

There are genocides against Turks in Turkey and in Azarbaijan done by Armenians in 1915-1918 and 1990s.

The Ottoman National assembly members were arrested, tried and acquitted in Malta Tribunals by UK. UK reached that Ottomans are not GUILTY due to 1915 happenings. You can esaily find information about this, if not we can provide you...

Read some more from below given links:

Is it enough ? If not I have dozens more...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.